What takes my flight
To bring the adult to life
So lost in Never-Never Land
Bright future never fell to sight
Followers of Pan
Do so enchant
Call it syndrome or soul
Or emotional toll
She befuddles her goal
Or merely feeds the coals
For her embers never die
And her passion ever-glows
Poetry Center: Tapestry
It's 4:20 a.m.
and I can't believe people kill themselves
I sit in awe of life
of learning
they say you learn something new
today I learned
I'm a tapestry
Your first love envelops you
You don't know what to do
it defines you
against your will
Once and if you're lucky
you come out of it & see
it's not cracked up to be
what you once thought it was
So, I'm a tapestry
of experiences had, felt, and seen
I knew that once,
a while ago,
before I lost myself head to toe,
to a fantasy never fulfilled
until my own heart I killed,
for indulgence of the fancy-free
of fantasy
& winged things
of childhood
it's happiness
which we oft try to replace
When we find we can't return
we shadow with a wicked
turn towards a mask'd man
So I realized no one knows who I am
& sent myself on rebound
to where I've found
emptiness, not solace
an empty bottle but
no happiness
Once one who thought they had it all
not even money
or treasure trough,
but luck and spoils do repent
once you know through life you've spent
'til you know yourself
& one can know
& fall
as I have done so well,
that mask'd self
I did sell
Now it's hard to tell
the real true me
from the date
If I never say what's true
am I fooling me
or am I fooling you?
Now I think I see the truth
I fooled us both
and can't see through
what I've become -
Standing in front of you
I've found a mirror,
I'm shining through:
what once was there
may still be true -
I don't know what to say,
except Thank You.

Tapestry by Lauren N Bridges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at creativehurricane.blogspot.com.
and I can't believe people kill themselves
I sit in awe of life
of learning
they say you learn something new
today I learned
I'm a tapestry
Your first love envelops you
You don't know what to do
it defines you
against your will
Once and if you're lucky
you come out of it & see
it's not cracked up to be
what you once thought it was
So, I'm a tapestry
of experiences had, felt, and seen
I knew that once,
a while ago,
before I lost myself head to toe,
to a fantasy never fulfilled
until my own heart I killed,
for indulgence of the fancy-free
of fantasy
& winged things
of childhood
it's happiness
which we oft try to replace
When we find we can't return
we shadow with a wicked
turn towards a mask'd man
So I realized no one knows who I am
& sent myself on rebound
to where I've found
emptiness, not solace
an empty bottle but
no happiness
Once one who thought they had it all
not even money
or treasure trough,
but luck and spoils do repent
once you know through life you've spent
'til you know yourself
& one can know
& fall
as I have done so well,
that mask'd self
I did sell
Now it's hard to tell
the real true me
from the date
If I never say what's true
am I fooling me
or am I fooling you?
Now I think I see the truth
I fooled us both
and can't see through
what I've become -
Standing in front of you
I've found a mirror,
I'm shining through:
what once was there
may still be true -
I don't know what to say,
except Thank You.
Tapestry by Lauren N Bridges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at creativehurricane.blogspot.com.
Creative Writing Story: Global Warming
Here are the results of the first creative writing exercise - A story set far into our future, a future made dark by the sizzling glow of the sun in a time when the ozone layer is mere legend. Here is my version of the creative writing story inspired by our first exercise:
Her teeth glowed like radiation as they flashed between her dark, rough skin as she smiled at me from across the bar. Women seem to find me more attractive than most, and it often brings more frustration than pleasure. My family, coming from the northern Alaskan wilderness, somehow retained a light luster in the skin, a smoother complexion and impressively chestnut locks throughout the generations.
Thus, to find beauty like that of my mother or sisters is rare, especially in the dark covered streets of Washington, D.C. I’m sure the women feel the same, looking at me. I felt a bit of guilt for my impossible standards as it comingled with the disgust that struck as the creature swooped off of her stool and began meandering my way.
Her teeth glowed like radiation as they flashed between her dark, rough skin as she smiled at me from across the bar. Women seem to find me more attractive than most, and it often brings more frustration than pleasure. My family, coming from the northern Alaskan wilderness, somehow retained a light luster in the skin, a smoother complexion and impressively chestnut locks throughout the generations.
Thus, to find beauty like that of my mother or sisters is rare, especially in the dark covered streets of Washington, D.C. I’m sure the women feel the same, looking at me. I felt a bit of guilt for my impossible standards as it comingled with the disgust that struck as the creature swooped off of her stool and began meandering my way.
Creative Writing Exercise #1 - Global Warming
Creative Writing Exercise Question:
Will human beings evolve to adapt to the effects of global warming?
Will human beings evolve to adapt to the effects of global warming?
I'm not quite sure we have that much time. Although the fate of humanity is questionable, such an unpredictable phenomenon begs a little bit of creative questioning...
Welcome to Creative Hurricane: A Creative Writing Exercises Blog
My Mission Statement
Hello, fellow writers, muses, dreamers and smart asses... Here is where I will aim to inspire, provoke thought, promote joviality, inquire about our Universe, and create community. I want you to know that honesty, irreverence, and curiosity will all be rewarded here; Pettiness, rudeness and irrelevant, harsh remarks are prohibited.
My earliest memory of my budding passion for writing is poetry week in the 5th grade. From then on I've dabbled in numerous forms of the written word. I am a nerd for the English language. It has the power to make me cry, marvel, spur me into action, or sometimes, fall asleep. We don't want to be among the authors of the latter.
There are plenty of resources out there for aspiring writers, but the best tool I always found was something that got me writing- a random quote, a location that makes you think, the flowery prose of others. Books on style, analyses of great literature, manuals for non-fiction haven't the impact that a workbook of creative writing exercises or Writing Exercise of the Day calendar can hold.
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