and I can't believe people kill themselves
I sit in awe of life
of learning
they say you learn something new
today I learned
I'm a tapestry
Your first love envelops you
You don't know what to do
it defines you
against your will
Once and if you're lucky
you come out of it & see
it's not cracked up to be
what you once thought it was
So, I'm a tapestry
of experiences had, felt, and seen
I knew that once,
a while ago,
before I lost myself head to toe,
to a fantasy never fulfilled
until my own heart I killed,
for indulgence of the fancy-free
of fantasy
& winged things
of childhood
it's happiness
which we oft try to replace
When we find we can't return
we shadow with a wicked
turn towards a mask'd man
So I realized no one knows who I am
& sent myself on rebound
to where I've found
emptiness, not solace
an empty bottle but
no happiness
Once one who thought they had it all
not even money
or treasure trough,
but luck and spoils do repent
once you know through life you've spent
'til you know yourself
& one can know
& fall
as I have done so well,
that mask'd self
I did sell
Now it's hard to tell
the real true me
from the date
If I never say what's true
am I fooling me
or am I fooling you?
Now I think I see the truth
I fooled us both
and can't see through
what I've become -
Standing in front of you
I've found a mirror,
I'm shining through:
what once was there
may still be true -
I don't know what to say,
except Thank You.
Tapestry by Lauren N Bridges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at