
Creative Writing Story: Global Warming

Here are the results of the first creative writing exercise - A story set far into our future, a future made dark by the sizzling glow of the sun in a time when the ozone layer is mere legend. Here is my version of the creative writing story inspired by our first exercise:

Her teeth glowed like radiation as they flashed between her dark, rough skin as she smiled at me from across the bar. Women seem to find me more attractive than most, and it often brings more frustration than pleasure. My family, coming from the northern Alaskan wilderness, somehow retained a light luster in the skin, a smoother complexion and impressively chestnut locks throughout the generations.

Thus, to find beauty like that of my mother or sisters is rare, especially in the dark covered streets of Washington, D.C. I’m sure the women feel the same, looking at me. I felt a bit of guilt for my impossible standards as it comingled with the disgust that struck as the creature swooped off of her stool and began meandering my way.